Mediterranean Villa,
21 Brownlow Rd. Tamboerskloof
Petra Schindler: 076 800 6092
Community officer
Renate Blank: 073 925 3650 | Secretary
Mediterranean Villa,
21 Brownlow Rd. Tamboerskloof
Petra Schindler: 076 800 6092
Community officer
Renate Blank: 073 925 3650 | Secretary

Communion of the Sick Counselling

Communion of the sick

The sacrament of the communion of the sick used to be misunderstood as the last rite for the dying as it was handed to the gravely ill often before their death.

This is not the intention of this strengthening sacrament. As Christians we are called to care for the sick and infame. The Gospel according to Mathew 25, Christ says “I was sick and you visited me; “I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me to drink”.

Jacobus: Call the elders together and pray for the sick…

Receiving the sacrament of the sick, strengthens the individual in a wholelistic way.


What to do, should you be interested in receiving the sacrament of the sick or

request it for a family member or friend:

  • Please contact the parish office
  • We will arrange with a priest to visit you or the person you are requesting it for

Should you wish to be visited, we can gladly assist, please contact the parish office.

We appreciate it if you could inform us if know of someone who has fallen ill.

About us

The Katholische Gemeinde Kapstadt is the community for all German-speaking Catholics (Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Namibia) and their families who live in the Archdiocese of Cape Town. Many South African citizens are also part of our community. Read more... 

Upcoming Events

Holy Mass

You are cordially invited to join our Holy Mass at 10h30 and the confirmation of Jeremiah Flicker, Raphael Jud  und Juli Schoof.…